Lion has had a very lucky December. In the nine days beginning December 24 and going to January 1, my lucky boy will have five orgasms. We’re ending the year (and starting the new one) with a bang. I haven’t counted how many he’s had for the rest of the month. I just know that he certainly has nothing to complain about. At least as far as orgasms are concerned.

Having girly toenails is another matter. That he can complain about. I wouldn’t recommend that he actually complain or one of those orgasm opportunities might disappear. But he can grumble to himself. And I will continue to remind him he has pretty toes. And laugh at him.

In mid-January we will hit our one year chastity anniversary. It’s hard to believe we’ve been doing it a year already. I still don’t feel like I know what I’m doing and I doubt I ever will. But I do have flashes of confidence now and then so I am encouraged. I think the most important thing to remember is that it’s not a one size fits all thing. What works for us may not work for another couple and vice versa. Some males really want to wait for long periods of time. Lion doesn’t. Some keyholders enjoy punishing their males. I don’t.

I know it was my idea to start diapers again, but it was difficult. It’s not Lion’s favorite thing. I’m sure I should have told him to suck it up and wear the wet diaper as instructed. If anything, he should have been punished for whining. But there’s only so far I’m willing to push him. The diapers may make a comeback at some point once I figure out the parameters. For now, they remain in the closet.

The girly toe nails is another difficult idea I had. It was one thing to buy it and hold it over Lion’s head. It’s quite another to actually paint his toes. If I thought anyone would ever see I wouldn’t have done it. I’m not into humiliating him. I just wanted something to remind him who is in charge. A glaring pink reminder. That said, I do think it’s amusing that it bothers him so much.

The panties idea is Lion’s own doing. He brought it up in a post and I started teasing him about it. I never really considered making him wear them. It was along the lines of the nail polish. Something fun to hold over his head. One of the reasons I got the nail polish was because I figured it was similar and cheaper. If he wanted to be a girly Lion then pink toe nails seemed to be just as good as panties. I should have known he’d go buy them. It’s what he does. So now I guess he’ll be wearing panties. I wonder if he’ll hate them as much as he hates the nail polish.