Last night Lion told me he was horny. All I said was, “Really?” Then he pouted that I laughed at him for being horny. I said the calendar still showed December 5th. There’s nothing I could do. He said I could do something if I wanted to. That is true. If I wanted to. Instead, I rubbed his balls and all around the cage, listening to him purring.

Lion then said he has coupons he can use. Yes, he does. I know he’s conflicted about using them. And I’ve said I wouldn’t have given them to him if I didn’t want him to use them. Maybe he’s just waiting me out figuring eventually I will give him a bonus orgasm. Always a possibility. In fact, in the middle of the night I was thinking I might give him one tonight. But that was then. Now I’m not so sure.

He will not knowingly to try sway me. Sure, he grumbles and sighs. And hints. And sometimes whines. This does not usually have any effect. Well, that’s not true. It amuses me.  So what does sway me?

There is not just one thing that does it. Sometimes it’s him bucking into my hand. Sometimes it’s the noises he makes. Sometimes I just need to taste him. It definitely is my decision. So will he get to come tonight? I’ll decide that while I’m playing with him.