Lion penis in new, shorter catge
My shortened cage came yesterday. It is much shorter than the old one. Click the image for a larger color image. Click here to view my old Jail Bird and this new one.

Mrs. Lion has been very kind to me. She hasn’t made me wait very long between most of my orgasms (see orgasm wait times on my Lion’s Adventure page. The line chart tells the story. Most of the time I have had to wait only a short time (three to five days) between orgasms. Lately that time has lengthened. My last wait was nine days and currently I am waiting twelve days. Now this isn’t a giant sacrifice for a caged male. Many routinely wait a month or more between releases. I’m not complaining. One keyholder commented to me that I come more times in a month than her male gets to come in a year. Lucky lion! Regardless, now that I have one more day to wait, I am humping trees!

There appear to be two major schools of thought about forced male chastity. One group wants to go longer and longer without orgasm. The goal appears to be indefinite waiting. Why? Who knows? By the way this is the wish of the caged males, not necessarily the keyholders. That’s not to say that a good number of keyholders want to keep their males orgasm-free for long periods. I know that’s a big component of this school. The second school seems to be the escape artists. This is a group of males who want to be locked up just to see if they can find a way to orgasm without being released. This group is almost entirely made up of single males who have taken on this hobby. It’s expensive and can be very frustrating, but for them it is a nice substitute for a sex life.

The first group, I call them long-termers, is most interesting to me. When I read what they write, it’s hard to separate the myth from reality, but it is very clear that being made to wait a long time does change them. The most interesting change which is reported by nearly all of them, is that they begin to substitute their keyholders’ orgasms for their own. When the keyholder gets to come, either with the help of the male or alone, the caged male seems to get a similar satisfaction to having an orgasm himself.

The longest I have been made to wait, until this week, has been nine days. During that time, I can’t say that I felt a transfer of Mrs. Lion’s sexual pleasure to substitute for my own. I do get hard inside my cage while I stimulate her. That has been true even when I was waiting just a couple of days. I love to get her off. But her orgasm didn’t feel to me like I was having one too.

I can say that the longer I have to wait, the more desperate I get to have that orgasm. I don’t walk around wanting to hump trees, but I feel a genuine longing for that wonderful release. I am pretty sure that if I weren’t frequently teased, that desperation would fade over time. But with regular teasing, my next orgasm is never far from my thoughts. If I were waiting longer, would I try to replace what I can’t have with what I can? Is that why these males get so much satisfaction from their keyholders’ orgasms? Could be. I’m hoping I never find out for myself, but I suspect I will one day.

Forced male chastity has stimulated Mrs. Lion and I to independently rethink the role of sex in our marriage. For a long time, sex was not a focus for us as a couple. Mrs. Lion lost interest and I just took care of myself most of the time. Our approaches to each other were very genitally centered. Mrs. Lion mentioned that to me in a recent email. We both just went for the orgasm. Thanks to me being caged and our increased level of communication, we have let each other know that this approach just doesn’t work well. Mrs. Lion has been spicing up my teasing with some nice play. I will be spicing up my advances with some treats of my own.

Schedule Vs. Spontaneous
Another aspect of desperation is the concept of knowing when the end will come. Until June, Mrs. Lion gave me no idea when my next orgasm would arrive. She gave me one when the spirit moved her. Fortunately this is a very active spirit and moved her a lot. I mentioned that it might be interesting if I know the next time I will orgasm. So, Mrs. Lion told me that my next orgasm would be July 4th with no chance of extending or reducing this sentence.

It turns out that this fixed date has been interesting for me. I find myself counting the days until I can finally orgasm. Mrs. Lion has said she has been too. Even though I am getting a lot less opportunity to come, this scheduled release has added considerable excitement to my chastity. Mrs. Lion has done a great job of reminding me that I have to wait. It’s been a lot of frustrating fun. If she also adds the opportunity to earn time off for good behavior, or adds time if I am naughty, things will get even more interesting and exciting.

Let’s face it, forced chastity is a game that plays with desperation. If rewards and penalties are added, and if the penalties are significant, the stakes go up and the game can get amazingly exciting. What’s a bit difficult for me to handle right now is that I am playing for the highest stakes: my ability to come. But that’s why it is so exciting. Mrs. Lion not only has control but can play with her control by changing how much waiting I have to do. In the meantime she can tease me and watch my desperation grow.

Once she overcomes feeling guilty for putting me through this and recognizes that this is a game we are both enjoying, I expect she will have a lot of fun too. Admittedly, my idea of fun and hers are pretty different. But she’s known that as long as we have known one another. Having fun yet, my dear lioness?


  1. Author

    I’ve held my tongue for quite a while on a lot of your posts, but I really just need to say something.

    You need to watch yourself when you speak in generalities, because you are going to start offending people. It could cause trouble if you are not careful.

  2. Author

    No offense is ever intended.

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