The Male Chastity Journal was created by me to provide a real-life view of forced male chastity. I am very fortunate that Mrs. Lion contributes freely to this online conversation. We are sharing the struggle and the joys of introducing enforced male chastity and female domination into our lives. As you can read here, it isn’t an easy path.
I have a lifetime of experience as a top. I am a novice bottom and caged male. My relationship with Mrs. Lion has its challenges for both of us. I have wanted to bottom as long as she has known me. She had never heard of such things before we met. As you can read here, we have both struggled with this for many years. A communication gap is the result of this struggle. I am not sure how I feel about it, but what you can read here is that gap closing. Mrs. Lion is discussing issues that affect her and her ability to support my enforced male chastity. They are intensely personal and provide a window into a real-life couple’s efforts to make all of this work.
From my perspective this is a very good thing. I am learning from her every post. I am not perfect. I don’t handle every situation the best way. As you can read, I have made mistakes in my pursuit of a sexual relationship with my lioness. I am happy to get her perspective and have her give me a chance to correct these errors.
I don’t think that by revealing my mistakes and weaknesses that my credibility as someone who has information to share has been hurt; just the opposite. My goal was to provide an unvarnished look at real people practicing forced male chastity. Since I am the caged male, I can’t control how the women here on the blog choose to meet that challenge. I don’t want to control it.
Too much of the stuff on the Web is either fantasy or idealized accounts of this lifestyle. Real people, particularly new keyholders, can perceive this fantasy perfection as an impossible goal to reach. As a result they get discouraged and don’t even try. Even worse, the males who want this can persist in believing that all of their relationship issues will disappear when they get a lock on their cocks.
If you are reading along with us, you are getting a daily account of how two couples are growing into forced male chastity. We are all very different. We all have baggage. Everyone does. This blog is unique in that we aren’t hiding it. In short, if we can make this work, you can too.
There are two important lessons here for caged males and their keyholders: Issues in your relationship won’t go away after you are caged. They can get worse. Second, locking someone up or being locked up does not remove anyone’s obligation to make the other happy. A cage is not a free pass to avoid doing things on your own to please your keyholder, and for keyholders, taking charge does not absolve you from the obligation to keep your pet happy.