I started writing this post several times. I never got past the first few paragraphs. Nothing seemed right to talk about. A lot has been running through my mind. Mrs. Lion’s birthday is coming up in a couple of days. I’m feeling old and helpless. No, not because of her birthday. We are in our new house, and the combination of new surroundings, my declining eyesight, and boxes everywhere, I don’t feel safe anywhere except in bed or at my desk. I haven’t been anywhere other than the ensuite bathroom for over a week now.

Mrs. Lion is doing her best to work and unpack. It could be months before I can safely move around the house. This situation is depressing. I feel alone and trapped. My lioness is doing her best to clear the rubble. It’s a daunting task, and her energy is limited. She’s working hard to make things as normal as possible. I wish I could help.

These practical issues are more important than the sexual/recreational activities we love. It’s been almost two months since she’s spanked me. I had an orgasm a week ago. It was one of those “sneak attack” orgasms that arrive without warning and produce very little in the way of pleasure and semen. We plan to try again this weekend.

It’s not fair to make a list of what isn’t happening. Moving is traumatic. My to-do list includes reviewing the Mature Metal waist chain and its extremely short male chastity device. I’ll do that as soon as we can get some manscaping done. I’m way too furry for photography.

Meanwhile, we are doing our best to survive and dig out of the sea of cartons. More in a day or so.

Listen to this post.


  1. Age is hitting us all , I fear similar things to you, good luck in your quest to survive cardboard mayhem

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