Late yesterday afternoon, Lion said he wanted to go to a local credit union to get cashier’s checks for the deposit for the new house. There was an ice storm moving in and he wanted to get things done so we could mail it today. I think he just wanted to get out of his punishment. (I don’t really, but sometimes things seem to pop up at just the right moment to delay it.)

Since we were out, I suggested grabbing dinner. We were near KFC so we decided on that. Normally we get all white meet. This location could do all dark meat, but not all white meat. What’s up with that? We settled on white and dark, chose our sides and headed home with the chicken smell making me hungrier by the mile.

It wasn’t necessarily late when we got home, but Lion was dealing with the checks and I was dealing with the food and whatever else was going on. I could have spanked him. I could have spanked him after dinner. I didn’t. Unless we do things right around his shower, they get pushed off and then forgotten about. There’s always tonight.

For once, the weather delivered almost exactly what was predicted. There wasn’t as much snow, but the ice was certainly mucking things up. Word on Facebook was not to go out unless your life depended on it. People were slipping off of their porches. Dogs were confused why they were sliding across the yard. And a semi wound up facing the wrong way on the highway. Bottom line: stay inside. Will do.

Lion asked me few times if I was venturing to the post office. Nope. The road was a mess. He asked again and I told him there was still a winter weather advisory. He said it was more important that I stay safe. The last time he asked me, I considered tying my trusty sled dog to something and heading the four or five blocks to the post office. Again, Lion said not to worry about it. I wasn’t. He seemed to be. Tomorrow is supposed to be a mess too, at least in the morning. No worries. The post office will pick up the package. Neither rain nor sleet nor dark of night….

We both had trouble sleeping last night. Well, this morning. I think it was around 3 am we finally fell asleep. Surprisingly, I’m not tired. I can’t promise I won’t fall asleep watching TV, but I wasn’t face down at my desk. I couldn’t turn my brain off. All the moving preparations were running through my mind. We need to get this. We need to do that. Where will this piece of furniture go? Should we get rid of X rather than moving it? Rinse and repeat. It’s a lot to do.

Lion is in the shower. I didn’t get to him beforehand to spank him. He’ll be cold when he gets out. Oh well. There’s always tomorrow.

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