Lion's freshly spanked bare butt

Mrs.Lion doesn’t forget. On Friday, after my shower, without a word, Mrs. Lion set up the spanking bench. I took the hint and laid my freshly-showered body on it. She went right to work. She stopped about seven minutes in. Mrs. Lion said that she decided to stop when the blood started to flow. She was being kind. Blood doesn’t usually even slow her down. The paddling I received made me yelp from start to finish. As you can see from the picture she took, the damage was minor.

After she finished, she asked me if I thought she had lost her touch. I told her that she certainly didn’t. I was howling loudly from her hard swats with wooden paddles. Maybe she stopped much sooner than she used to. I suspect that had more to do with her being a little tired than her losing her mojo. I’m pretty sure another spanking is in my near future. I’ll find out then.

Friday night was also boner night. Mrs. Lion asked me if I wanted sex. Duh! The Edex injection went very smoothly, and within a few minutes, I was erect. She gave me wonderful oral sex, but I couldn’t get over the top. I hope this isn’t the start of another drought. We will probably try again tonight (Sunday).

The Fantasticks

A local theater is going to present “The Fantasticks” next spring. Mrs. Lion surprised me with tickets. “The Fantasticks” played for almost 42 years in the 143-seat Sullivan Street Theater in Greenwich Village. I lived in the Village for most of my adult life. I saw this wonderful show at least five times over the years. It’s a delightful little musical with a tiny cast and an orchestra consisting of a piano and a drum. It shows how much can be done with very little. This show closed after 17,232 performances in 2002, a victim of post-9/11,

It’s a very light love story with songs like, “Why Do the Kids Put Beans in their Ears” and the “Rape Ballet.” As I write this post, I’m listening to the show’s album (thank you, Amazon Music). There’s an “Odd Couple” episode when Felix dates a woman who turns out to be a nude actress in an Off-Off-Broadway show. The set for the theater looks very much like the Sullivan Street Theater.

I’m curious about what the local theater company does with this gem. The company is sponsored by Microsoft, Amazon, and other big companies. The theater is incredible. It’s not very big, seating just under 500. Of course, it’s huge compared with the show’s home. I wonder if anyone involved with this production actually saw the original production. I fear the locals will destroy the innocent beauty of this wonderful show. By the way, one song you may know came from this show, “Try To Remember” (listen here).

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