I am writing this post on Friday after lunch. In about two hours, I’ll be taking my FCC license tests. I’ve been taking practice tests for a week now and my scores are over ninety percent. I hope I do as well on the real tests. Mrs. Lion and I discussed how we will erect the antenna for our new transceiver. We agree that it should go fairly well. UPDATE: I took both the Technician and General license tests and passed!

I heard from Thumper. He has a new Internet provider and is working on getting his site back up. It’s good to hear that he will be back soon. Other wordpress.com bloggers have expressed concern that they might be next. Fortunately, there are good options available to the sex-blogging community. If you are a wordpress.com blogger, feel free to Contact Us if you need help escaping their right-wing grip.

If we are both up for it, I will try the next-higher dose of Trimix tonight. If you’re keeping track, that will be .45 ml. My supply is running low. I hope we can find the magic dose before I run out. The reason that matters is the doctor might want to change the mix to let me use less. We can’t know that until I find the dose that gets me hard and keeps me that way for an hour or so.

It feels to me that we are heading into sexually-repressive times. The conservative Supreme Court has struck down universal abortion access. It seems likely they will eventually hear challenges to Florida’s censorship laws. A new bill went into law there that restricts discussion about homosexuality, transgender, and other sexual-orientation topics in schools all the way through high school. They also have a law that mandates all educational institutions, including state universities, censor libraries and course materials. The guy responsible for this Nazi-like regression announced his bid for the presidency. We have to do something before it’s too late.

This is Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer. It’s also a time to remember all the people who gave their lives defending the freedoms that the governor of Florida wants to take away from us. It’s an especially good time to consider how much we have, and how easy it would be for us to lose the freedoms that make us unique.

Listen to this post.


  1. My, how you go on. “Censorship” of materials made available by public institutions to children has always been a thing. There is no banning of books for adults. If a parent wishes to access such a book and show it to a child, they are welcome to do so. As well, the decision over what is appropriate or not at various levels of schooling is a States decision. Activists teachers and school boards have no business contravening States guidance. Will of the people.

    Abortion as well, nothing was “removed”. The decision has reverted to the States where the people can decide democratically.

    Cracking down on porn does not seem to be a particularly right wing thing anymore. There are many do-gooder leftists who oppose any type of sex work as being “oppressive” to women.

    Curious, have not heard of WordPress.com being influenced by the religious right. Have you any evidence of a right wing connection to porn banning on WordPress blogs?

    1. Author

      First of all, the Florida censorship law applies to universities. Professors can be prosecuted or dismissed for teaching “banned”subjects. Books are being removed from university libraries. I don’t know what affiliation Automatic has in terms of politics. I did have several run-ins with them over this site. Sexual/adult topics offend them. Republicans lead the charge against free speech. You say that *some* leftists do this too. Yup, of course. It isn’t black and white. In terms of abortion, I don’t know how you can take a position about states’ rights. Where you live, there is no such thing. I am in favor of free speech and universal access to abortion. You aren’t. By the way,I would only want my child aborted if he/she had a life-destroying genetic disease. That doesn’t mean I oppose others doing it.

  2. Congratulations on passing both the technician and general tests, Lion! I have had my tech for many years, but apparently my brain is not plastic enough to remember all of the band endpoints… those seem to be the questions I just can’t get past for the general. I will continue to study and take your example to heart. Welcome to a fun and rewarding hobby!

    1. Author

      You can pass the test without remembering band frequencies.I studied using hamradioprep.com.It’s very inexpensive and between the tutorials, quizzes after each, plus taking tons of practice tests, and I aced it. I spent a lot of hours taking practice tests. Right now, I am taking the Advanced course.Believe me,I am still clueless about the damn frequencies. Good luck!

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