Today is my consultation with the urologist about taking the next step and trying Edex. The appointment is a video conference, and the urologist is female (and Russian). Vee vill discuss your erections. I don’t know if she has an accent, but memories of Boris and Natasha come to mind. This consultation is the easy part. The next visit is more than a little daunting.

As I understand it, I will be in the doctor’s office, and she will show me how to inject myself with the drug. The injection is directly into the penis. That part doesn’t bother me too much. I’ve had kidney stones a couple of times and have had female medical personnel doing things with my penis. This visit is different. The injection will give me an erection. At least, it’s supposed to. More about that later. So, here I will be in the doctor’s office sporting a boner. It’s supposed to last about an hour.

The procedure is to try a low dose of the drug at first and then observe the results. I’m supposed to get a woody hard enough to manage intercourse. Who’s going to test that property? If I don’t get hard enough, they try another injection with a stronger dose. They can only do two doses in a day. I might have to come back and do it again at a later date.

If the injection produces a fuck-worthy boner, I have to remain in the office until I get soft again. Do I have to sit in the waiting room with a boner filling my jeans? Theoretically, the boner can last many hours. The ideal is a one-to-two-hour hard-on. Over four hours is considered potentially dangerous and requires medical intervention. I think that’s another shot with an antidote.

I don’t know how this will go. I suspect that there is a shortcut. They could give me a dose that should produce the required boner. If it does, they could send me home and instruct me to report back if I get soft too soon or if it takes over two hours. If it goes over four hours, they can tell me to go to an ER for help.

I would prefer just getting instructions on administering the shot and observation to assure the erection is hard enough. I can handle the other steps of increasing or decreasing the dose without having to do it at the doctor’s office. I’m curious to learn the process my doctor will use. No matter which way they do it, my erect penis will be medically observed. That’s a first, even for me.

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