Not much has been going on around here. We spent a quiet weekend puttering around the house. I’ve managed to stay out of trouble for over twenty days. At least, I think I have. Mrs. Lion may have lost some of her laser focus on my behavior. Since I decided to seek medical help for my erectile dysfunction (ED), Mrs. Lion hasn’t made a serious effort to either tease me or get me off. I think it might be worth a shot to try. I’m not completely broken.

We’ve driven over 400 miles in our new car and bought less than four gallons of gas. The gas tank is still 86 percent full. That means we’ve used just another 1 1/2 gallons of gas. Very cool. Gas is expensive here, near $5.00 a gallon. Electricity is cheap. We pay about twelve cents per kilowatt-hour. A full charge uses 12.4 kilowatt-hours. That translates to $1.48 for a full charge that takes us 33 miles. The math is easy.  Our car gets 30 miles/gallon when running as a hybrid. So, each time we run on electricity, we are paying only $1.50 instead of $5 for gas. Enough car talk.

non-sexual erections

One feature of the injectable that creates an erection is that sexual arousal isn’t needed at all. Inject the drug into the penis and, voila, it gets hard and stays hard for an hour or more. Every erection I’ve ever had came with sexual arousal. I’m having trouble imagining what it will feel like if I’m not aroused and still have a solid woody. Imagine having an orgasm and instead of getting soft as sexual energy drops, your penis stays as hard as it was when you started. I’m having trouble wrapping my head around this concept.

In a very real sense, this drug-induced erection is truly Mrs. Lion’s toy. It’s available for service regardless of my interest. It’s a living dildo that happens to be attached to me. There’s no need to worry about my interest. The penis will stay hard until the drug wears off. According to the prescribing information, that erection can safely last up to four hours. Whew! The package insert for the drug says that if the erection remains for six hours, medical assistance is needed to prevent permanent damage.

Think about it. Control of my primary sexual equipment is taken from me. I wouldn’t expect Mrs. Lion to do it often, but she can order me to administer the drug and then make use of my penis any way she wants. This has to be the most primal power exchange. Once that drug is in my penis, it will get hard and stay hard with or without my cooperation. Before this drug, I had to be aroused to be hard, so painful penis play had to keep pace with my arousal and increased ability to accept pain.

That will no longer be true. My hard cock remains at attention and available, with absolutely no need for me to cooperate. That can make things very uncomfortable for me. It can also be a lot of fun for both of us. It’s a brave new world of cock and ball torture.

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  1. Lovely! I’d get you nice and hard and take you to the public pool where I’d loudly scold you for getting excited watching the pretty girls pass by. Ha ha!

  2. I’m intrigued by this injection you speak of, I have been using sildenafil but have been finding it less effective of late

    1. Author

      I switched to generic Cialis which worked for quite a while.

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