We have both been having trouble sleeping this week. Is it the excitement of the new car? I don’t think so. The other night, I woke up at 4-something and couldn’t get back to sleep right away. Why? No idea. Lion has been having trouble falling asleep. I hope we get some good sleep this weekend.

Lion wrote that he needs more attention than my fiddling with his weenie under the covers. I know that. I also know I can’t do anything if I’m tired. One good night’s sleep will fix that. It’s not like I don’t want to give him attention.

I’m happy to say that we both lost some weight again. The other night there was a commercial that said something about libido. Lion said that’s why he wants me to lose weight. I guess he figures if I hit a certain weight, it will be like a pressure switch (or an anti-pressure switch) and I’ll jump his bones. I’m not ruling it out, but I need sleep first. And I know he was kidding. We both need to lose weight to be healthier.

Lion has been reading the new car’s manual from cover to cover. I think I surprised him because I was also reading it. I usually only read the manual to set up what I need to set up as I need to set it up. This car is smarter than both of us, so we have to get our PhDs in Hyundai-ology.

Since he’s had his nose buried in the manual, he hasn’t ventured into the living room to use the treadmill. I’ll give him a pass for this week. When I made the rule, I didn’t know we’d be getting a car. It’s been taking all his free time. I’ll crack the whip next week.

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