Sadly, football is over. Happily, the Eagles lost. As I said, we don’t care about the Chiefs, but we really don’t like the Eagles. Maybe our team will do better next year. Fingers crossed.

We played a modified version of our football game. Lion only got swats for Eagles points. And there were a lot of them. Just before halftime, with Lion snoozing a bit and the Eagles winning a lot, I decided to suspend the spanking game. Up to that point it was a depressing game for Chiefs fans and anyone rooting against the Eagles.

Our tradition of having nachos at halftime was modified too. Lion suggested eating them at the beginning of the game so we didn’t throw off our eating schedule. I don’t have any idea how many calories were in the nachos, but it was significantly lower than the way I like them with ground beef, sour cream and black olives. That would have equaled our calorie count for days, I’m sure. As it was, we skipped lunch and afternoon snack so we had 300 or so calories to play with. I just googled nachos and the calories range from 250-450 depending on what’s on it and how much you eat. I was guessing we ate about 600 calories-worth. I wasn’t far off.

Lion slept through most of halftime. He didn’t miss much. I didn’t even find the commercials that good this year. Usually there are a bunch that are funny or touching. Maybe one or two were good this year. He woke up for the second half and we’re both glad he did.

This morning, Lion said he wasn’t feeling well. He can’t really put his finger on what’s wrong, but he stayed in bed after lunch. He’s watching a movie. I don’t know if he’ll get up again at some point or not. There’s no reason for him to. He can remain snug as a bug until he’s ready to emerge from his cocoon.

I did some COVID tests for a few days after I went to my company meeting. I wasn’t feeling great, but I never tested positive. I think it’s been too long for me to have passed it to Lion, but I have been out to the store since then. If he gets it, it will be because I brought it to him. That’s what happened last time. If he continues to feel yucky, we’ll test him.

Listen to this post.


  1. I’m still getting over Covid. Paramedics took me. I fell going to the toilet and passed out. I had very low oxygen level. I took 3 liters of oxygen and 3 units of Remdesevir, and insulin. I really don’t like going to the hospital. I can’t get any real coffee. It’s all watered down decaf. I can’t have real sugar, or salt, or most of the things on the menu. I’ve never gotten to eat their Maryland crab cakes. I dearly love crab cakes, but they’re not Heart Healthy, so zip on that.
    Thing is Covid has left me very fatigued all the time, and changed the way things taste. I hope I regain energy and my sense of taste. I don’t want “long Covid” that happens to some people.
    What’s the problem with Lion? Is he getting over Covid?
    I’m glad you cut him a break and didn’t paddle him too much. Getting paddled sucks when you’re sick..
    I didn’t care who won the game. My wife was rooting for Philly because one of their coaches graduated from her old high school. The defensive ends coach. I didn’t even know there was such a coaching position. I kinda wanted the Eagles to win, because the Chiefs have won two Superbowls in the last four years. But I kinda wanted the Chiefs to win, because Marty Shottenheimer used to be their coach. And before that he coached the Browns. GO BROWNS! WOOF! Plus I like seeing Mahomes play.
    I am officially resigned to the fact that future Superbowls will never have a group or singer who I recognize. The only song I liked that Rihanna sang was the last number. I could actually recognize the words. The set reminded me of something Kanye West would come up with. I guess I’ll never see AC/DC do halftime. Shit.
    I agree with you; there were a couple of moderately funny commercials like the Breaking Bad parody for Tostitos(?).But most were mediocre and one was annoying. Some new online fashion clothing company. No Clydesdale horse commercials for Bud, that’s for sure.Because I wrote this longer than shit comment, and I can’t post it without your URL, WTF is your URL? Pisses me off.

    1. I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. No COVID here. We both had it once, very mild, but I did lose taste. Feel better.

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