I have not found the Velcro yet. I looked for some on Amazon, but that seems like a last resort. I know we have some. Where did Lion hide it? I’m kidding. He’s the one who got the Velcro I’m thinking about. I just don’t know where it wandered off to. It’s too bad. I really want to use it.

We snuggled a bit last night before my neck started hurting. I wasn’t at a good angle. Between my weighted blanket, the gap between the beds, and the crazy dog being jealous of us snuggling, it’s difficult to maneuver. Tonight, I’ll set up the massage table to eliminate that problem. I don’t think he’s ready for an orgasm yet, but we can have some fun nonetheless.

Our diets are proceeding with little trouble. Lion wonders how things will go when he hits his target weight, and I still have more to lose. I wonder if I’ll lose weight more quickly since I ate more junk than he did. Shouldn’t eating fewer empty calories make me lose weight even if I did nothing else? Many years ago, I lost 30 pounds in a month or so just by eliminating regular soda. If that’s still the case, we could both wind up at our target weights at the same time. Wanna race, my pet?

Of course, what would help even more is if we were more active. No, I don’t mean sex. Lion keeps talking about getting on the treadmill. He says he hasn’t because I tend to throw empty cardboard boxes on it rather than schlepping them out to the recycle bin. However, it’s clear now. What are we waiting for? I have less time because I’m working all day, but I bet I can spare some time when I’m done. My only issue is being achy either before or after. Some Tylenol will help with that. Wanna walk, my pet?

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