It was late afternoon before we realized neither of us had written a post. I didn’t have one for yesterday and Lion didn’t have one for this morning. Oops. It was sort of a day off for us. We had lunch and got suckered into watching the Seahawks football game. Of course, as soon as we started watching, they started losing. That used to happen all the time with me watching the Giants. Actually, it started way back in college. If I was on campus, or even in the area, the football team would lose. When I went home for the weekend, they’d win. For a long time, I wouldn’t even wear Giants’ colors for fear I’d jinx them. Anyway, the afternoon was shot.

To make matters worse, I was very achy. All over. It’s not like I did anything to deserve it. I wasn’t crawling around or mowing the lawn. I don’t know what happened. I’ve been achier for the past few months, but yesterday everything hurt. I had planned on continuing Lion’s blow job from the other night, but that didn’t happen. So far, I’m less achy today. I’ll have to take some Tylenol later to get me into blow job shape.

Lion was right about the diet. So far at least, I haven’t been hungry. The food is palatable enough. Some of it isn’t as tasty as it could be, but overall it’s okay. We have snacks and shakes to fill in. Today, we’re thrown off by sleeping so late. Breakfast was almost at lunchtime. Do we eat a late lunch and a normal dinner, or do we have a snack and/or shake and then dinner? I think if we skip lunch/snack/shake, we’ll be in trouble when it comes to dinner. We’ll be too hungry. I think we need a snack at least.

The only things that have bothered me so far is seeing food advertised on TV and it was only for that brief period of time, and knowing I’ll be near Taco Bell when I pick up some prescriptions. Of course, both of those things happen even when I’m not on a diet, so I guess it’s not really an issue.

In absence of cravings and hangriness, I should concentrate more on Lion’s blow job. He was very horny and looking forward to it, but I need to do something more for him to get him excited. I wonder if he’d like ginger up his ass or having his balls tied. Well, yes. He’d like both, but which one more? Probably the balls tied up in a nice, tight package. I can do that. [Lion — No one asked for my vote, but I’d say ginger before the sex as an appetizer.]

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