Last night, Lion was too chilly to come out from under the covers. We snuggled and I played with my weenie for a bit. I know that doesn’t do anything for him most of the time. I just wanted to touch him. Grope him, really. And I thought, if being chilly was the problem, I’ll have to plug in the heater in his office to get it toasty for massage table fun. I’m not sure what I’ll do to him but I’ll figure something out.

He might be surprised that I’ve thought ahead. Obviously, I don’t know what I’ll do yet, but just the fact that I’m planning on the heater and the massage table shows more forethought than normal for me. In all fairness, I had to run to the store last night for his prescriptions and a few other things, so we couldn’t have played earlier anyway. Tonight Is a different story. There’s no reason I can’t have everything set up to play before dinner. The early Lioness gets the Lion.

Once I get Lion’s motor running, we can adjourn to the somewhat chillier bedroom for some oral sex if he’s interested. I can’t guarantee he’ll have an orgasm, but we can still have some fun. And if he’s not really into it, we’ll still have fun on the massage table. We can try. It’s been quite a few days since his last orgasm [Lion — Nine.], and I haven’t exactly been doing much to pump up the tires. It may take some doing. I’m up for the challenge.

Maybe it will help if I go through the process of choosing something from the box O’Fun. Lion likes fanfare and pageantry. I could also order him into his office if he says he doesn’t want attention. Eventually, it will swing back to my not wanting sex as the problem. Ordering could show him I’m not taking any of his excuses. Dammit! Get your ass in there! Because I said so! (You have to throw that last line in there, or you don’t mean business. *grin*)

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