Lion is (justifiably) yelling at someone on the phone. He’s been trying to get his account fixed for days and they keep telling him to do the same things over and over again. He’s been incredibly patient with them. I hear him explain the situation, then I hear him sigh and explain he’s tried that many times. I am proud of him for not going ballistic. Perhaps I had something to do with that. Has the don’t-be-rude rule had an effect on him?

I’ve been trying to clean up a little more around here. Lion would like me to get rid of things still in boxes from our move. He theorizes that, unless it’s a keepsake, if we haven’t used it in three years we are not likely to need it. I had the living room all cleaned up and then brought things in from the camper when we sold it. That stuff has been parked all over the place, but a lot of is in the living room. I’d like to clear out the living room even though I doubt we’ll ever sit in there. A lot of the stuff can be tossed and some of it can go to Goodwill. No matter what I concentrate on cleaning, Lion will be able to move around the house more easily.

I decided to give Lion another night to recover. He’s reminded me today is punishment day. I wonder if he’s up for swats. I found the camper paddle while sorting through things. It’s the paddle that shows which end is his and which end is mine. I hung it on the refrigerator in case I need it in a pinch. I don’t normally swat him in the kitchen unless it’s a love tap. The paddle is more symbolic than anything. It’s just a reminder to keep him in line.

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