I have been sick the last couple of days. My doctor says it was a virus. Whatever it was made a mess of my lower GI. I am much better today, so I assume we will resume normal operations. I set up the coffee pot so I am out of danger. Mrs. Lion received her work computer and scattered stuff all over the kitchen. She has everything working with her digital stuff, so she is ready for Monday, which is her first day of work.

Penis pumping has resumed. Next time Mrs. Lion arouses me, maybe she will find a harder cock. Probably not. I’ve read that it takes about a month to get noticeable improvement. For the record, I’m trying to open up the spongy tissue that fills with blood to create an erection. A penis pump is a medical (not penis enlargement) device that does this valuable function. As we age, our penis tissue loses flexibility and makes erections softer and smaller. That average man loses about 1/2-inch in length. You can get this back along with a harder cock.

I’ve been listening to The Trump Tapes, an audiobook by Bob Woodward. It’s a collection of unedited interviews with Donald Trump. No “fake news” or editorializing. Just the entire body of interviews that Woodward did for his books on Trump. Woodward does interject with fact-checking (real facts) that you can check, too, if you want. I found the interviews chilling. Trump sounds reasonable and his points have the same common-sense ring that you get when you oversimplify complex issues. But that’s just my slant. The big thing is that you are listening to the president of the United States. Frightening. Check it out.

I’m coming to terms with my reduced vision. I’ve been trying to make my environment safer and easier to handle. I need Mrs. Lion to help. She doesn’t like putting things away. Part of the problem is that we don’t always have places to put things. I’ve been hoping that we can throw out what we don’t need. Unfortunately, I can’t do this myself. My vision and balance aren’t good enough. I had surgery a few years ago for spinal stenosis. The result was that my sense of balance was impaired. Combine that with poor vision and my ability to do things isn’t very good. I have to keep shrinking what I do and where I go, even in the house, because of tripping hazards. Finding things on my own has become nearly impossible. I am desperate to get things simplified. Right now, my safe zone is on my side of our bed and the path from there to the bathroom and my desk chair. A trip to the kitchen is difficult. The rest of the house is very hazardous.

It’s unfair of me to demand that Mrs. Lion deals with the mess, and I can’t. At least I’m easy to find.

Listen to this post.

1 Comment

  1. Well, at least you won’t run away or even get lost. You can always be found where you left.

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