It finally happened. Mrs. Lion found her tube of IcyHot Pro and applied it under my balls. When she put it on, I didn’t feel any effects. She applied more. Still nothing. Then, she began rubbing it in. Then I felt the cooling followed by burning. I think this formulation has somehow encapsulated the active ingredients in some way. Firm pressure is needed to activate it. Once it gets going, hoo boy! I expect that Mrs. Lion will want a replay.

She had very little reaction to my post yesterday (“She Almost Never Forgets One Thing“). I expected that we would have a conversation about BDSM activities. Instead, all she said was that she doesn’t know why she is consistent with spanking. I said that if she only going to be consistent about one thing, that is probably the best choice. I asked if she had any idea why she neglects almost everything else. She didn’t.

I have a theory. The reason spanking is effective is that there is a clear cause-and-effect relationship between my behavior and her response. If I break a rule, she sees it and responds. In a very real sense, I am responsible for my own spankings. If I forget to set up the coffee pot and Mrs. Lion notices (she always does), she spanks me. If I don’t break a rule, I don’t get spanked.

There is no such relationship for our BDSM activities. I don’t trigger them. It’s up to Mrs. Lion to initiate. When I look back, I see that many of our past activities were initiated because I wrote about them. After reading my post, Mrs. Lion did what I wrote about. I was essentially topping from the bottom. This isn’t what either of us wants.

At one time, we had the Box O’Fun. It was a sort of grab-bag of BDSM activities that Mrs. Lion could do to me. I would pick a card, and Mrs. Lion would do what it said. This was effective if Mrs. Lion remembered to take it out and, here is the big one, if I didn’t whine about getting what the card said.

This is where I think we need a change. When it comes to spanking, Mrs. Lion doesn’t care how I feel about it. She’s going to paddle my bottom no matter what. With the Box O’Fun and other BDSM activities, if I say I’m not in the mood, she doesn’t do them. Her reasoning is that they are for my entertainment, so I should be able to beg off.  Spanking, on the other hand, is punishment, and I have to accept it.

OK, that’s fair. I get it. The problem is that every time I beg off, I reduce reinforcing Mrs. Lion’s BDSM habit. If we agree to treat BDSM activities the same way as punishment, then my interest is out of the equation. If Mrs. Lion resolves to do something at least every other day, she can work to honor that commitment. Over time, BDSM will become ingrained in the same way as our domestic discipline.

One of the most exciting things about BDSM is that once I consent to it (and I have), my ability to choose what happens to me is gone. I can safeword if needed, but I can’t pick and choose what happens to me. Right, Mrs. Lion?

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1 Comment

  1. Capsicum cream Works even better.

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