The problem I have with writing a sex blog is that there are times I don’t want to talk about sex. Well, you might say, don’t write a post. You have a point. Lots of bloggers go weeks, even months between posts. Why do I feel compelled to write if I miss just one day? I’ve been asking myself that question for some time. I’m pretty sure that I won’t spoil your day if you don’t wake up to my latest adventure. Let’s face it, there is only so much one can write about male chastity and spanking.

One big topic that Mrs. Lion and I are well qualified to discuss is how to do those things over many years. We are in our ninth year of orgasm control. Mrs. Lion has been spanking me for the better part of two decades. Obviously, we have figured out how to integrate these kinks into our happy marriage. That’s something.

When I started this blog, I hoped that we could give and get advice from other couples. It didn’t take long to learn that our blog isn’t particularly interactive. Some other blogs attract lots of comments and conversations. We don’t. Is it our style? Are we unapproachable? Are the topics we discuss more like magazine articles than interactive forum discussions? I know from our web analysis data that lots of people actually read what we write. They just don’t talk back.

Writing a blog with a large audience is an ego boost. It also puts a lot of pressure on us to keep writing interesting posts. Since we get little feedback, we have to come up with things in a vacuum. Some bloggers use “prompts” to find things to write. A few blogs are actually dedicated to generating these prompts. Nope. I don’t like that at all. I don’t even read blogs written to these prompts. I watch our stats and try to use them to help guide our direction. Mostly, we write about what we are doing and thinking at the moment.

Mrs. Lion and I lead pretty isolated lives. We aren’t very social and we both work from home. Even when we went to our offices, we didn’t make many work friends. I wonder if we would enjoy knowing other couples who share our interests. Before I was with her, I did hang out with people in the local BDSM community. Mrs. Lion didn’t feel comfortable with that crowd. Then we moved west where we don’t know anyone.

If you read our blog regularly, you know that we make our own fun. We are content in our isolation. I suppose there is an area we might welcome prompts: sex and kink. We often run into trouble trying to come up with things to do. We also have trouble deciding what to have for dinner. For a while, we tried Mrs. Lion’s Box O’Fun. It’s a wood box with a collection of slips of paper containing BDSM activities. It worked well while we used it. Mrs. Lion stopped for some reason and never started again. When it comes to sex and play, if we don’t answer the question of what we are going to do, we do nothing.

The Box O’fun was far from perfect. Often, the slip of paper called for an activity one or both of us didn’t want to do. The game didn’t allow for that possibility. I guess we needed an IF NOT, THEN {something else] clause in our program. Usually I was the one who didn’t want to do something from the box. Mrs. Lion refuses to force me to do sexual things. Maybe the IF NOT should be to pick another slip of paper and return the rejected one to the box. Sooner or later, I have to do everything she chose to put into it. I would be postponing the inevitable. That has an interesting flavor.

See? I managed to come up with something after all.

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