As promised, I pulled out the spanking bench and gave Lion a “just because” spanking last night. When I was cleaning earlier in the day, I found the large zebra wood paddle and made good use of it. I can whomp his whole butt with it, so that’s how we started out. Beyond that, I used a variety of paddles, including wood, leather, silicone, and rubber. His buns were very red and a little bloody. Of course, it’s sometimes difficult to see how much of the red is Lioness-made and how much is transferred blood, but I still saw red around the edges just before bed. This morning he said it hurt to sit. Job well done I think.

large sporkwood paddle on lion's ass

After dinner, I came around to his side of the bed to see if I could get his motor running. I didn’t have clothespins or rope so I figured my success would be limited. But I had to try. I then suggested he’d be more excited by oral stimulation. Of course, he said he would. And off we went. I know Lion doesn’t like it when I go for gold right off the bat, so I teased him a little with my tongue. He was purring at certain points. I don’t think I ever got him really hard, but I wasn’t giving up.

The thought crossed my mind as I was sucking that he always apologizes when he hits a roadblock. He even said I shouldn’t take no for an answer in those cases. However, the decision I came to last night was that it shouldn’t matter if he can’t get any further. I’ve had fun just trying. If anything, he should be apologizing to himself. He’s the one missing out on the bigger fun. I mean, I miss out if I was going for an orgasm and I didn’t get it. You could argue that he loses even more in that case. I still don’t think there’s anything to apologize for and there’s no problem if I stop when he can’t get anywhere. While it’s true that I can get him hard again sometimes, at other times I’m fighting a losing battle. How long am I supposed to keep sucking? If his mind isn’t in it anymore, we won’t succeed.

I believe it’s been fourteen days since Lion’s last orgasm. I haven’t lived up to my side of the bargain of giving him attention every night, or even every other night. He hasn’t lived up to his side either since he hasn’t been very hard when I have tried. Clearly, there’s still work to be done. It’s a good thing it’s fun work.

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1 Comment

  1. This is really exciting work. And judging by the photo made on the conscience.

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