Sunday was hair removal day here. Mrs. Lion waxed me, front and back. Nothing is left between my neck and upper thighs. It’s a good look. I like how my balls feel when completely hairless. The skin is soft and very sensitive. I wonder if she notices. The waxing process takes a lot less time and seems easier for my lioness. It’s true that the hair growing back is thinner (less thick). In most places, less grows back as well. There is one spot above the base of my cock that grows back despite laser and wax treatments. Stubborn.

I always get a short, fun playtime after Mrs. Lion uses oil (light mineral oil) to clean off any wax residue. She oils my cock and balls and then masturbates me. It always feels good. On Sunday, there was something new. She moved her hand down and then let go. Rinse and repeat—just downstrokes. Holy shit!

In the past, she’s used just upstrokes. This technique is exciting but will never produce an orgasm. Nature has programmed us, males, to always ejaculate on the thrust in. That makes sense. We need to ejaculate as close to the cervix as we can get. That gives our sperm the shortest swim to the waiting egg.

That means if his partner is playing with his penis and only moves her hand up from the body, there will be sexual stimulation but no trigger to ejaculate. Mean tops like my lioness know this since this motion is also less arousing because the skin is being pulled up and over the frenulum, which reduces contact and stimulation.

For the record, I’ve had the skin pulled down with one hand while the other (lubed, of course) moves up over the sensitive spot. The result is more arousal but no orgasm regardless of how long she did it. My penis was aware of the direction of stimulation and refused to squirt.

On Sunday, Mrs. Lion did the opposite. She oiled me up and then moved her hand over the head and down to my body. She did it at the same speed she would normally move up and down when she jerked me off. The sensation was amazing. I did not doubt that I would come if she kept it up. She didn’t–the bitch! She smiled and said, “Not now.”

Listen to this post.


  1. love being hairless
    sounds like the Lioness enjoyed your hairless cock

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