I feel like I accomplished a lot last night. I separated some meat I got from Costco the other day and put it in the freezer. I changed the bed. I made dinner. And I’m sure there were a few other things along the way. I didn’t tie Lion up. I’m sure he felt left out. Why did all that other stuff get done and he didn’t? That’s a good question. I guess I ran out of steam. Besides, his tummy had been bothering him. Assuming it’s better tonight, we’ll catch up.

I also have not spanked him yet this week. Luckily, today is punishment day. Of course, Lion thinks I should be able to find things to punish him for so I don’t have to do “just because” spanking. Technically, I could punish him for helping me feel overwhelmed. I bet he thinks I should. I’m reluctant because I don’t think any of it is his fault, but that’s exactly what he’s been talking about. It shouldn’t matter whose fault it is. Yes, I’m trying to talk myself into punishing him.

The weird thing is, it really doesn’t matter if I punish him or not. “Just because” spankings are exactly the same as punishment spankings. So what’s the big deal if I call it punishment whether it is or not? Really. What’s the big deal? (I’m asking myself.) Okay. Fine. I’ll punish him tonight. And then tie him up. Hmmm. I could tie him up and then punish him. Two Lions with one stone.

He kept asking if I felt better. I didn’t feel overwhelmed at that moment. I don’t think it’s something that just goes away. I mean, there’s the potential that it will come back, especially since I have to do a prescription run tonight and the dog has to go to the vet tomorrow and we have to get Lion’s new glasses. And when can I make it to the store to do some grocery shopping that needs to be done in person? It’s all normal stuff but it can get to be too much when I feel overwhelmed. I don’t think there’s anything Lion can do to help because, let’s face it, I don’t even know when it’s happening until I’m in the throes of it.

Oh well. I’m good right now and I’ll do what I can to recognize when I start feeling overwhelmed so it doesn’t get bad. Maybe Lion will get a sore butt along the way, but he won’t mind. Okay, maybe he’ll mind, but he can’t do much about it.

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