The strap for the spanking bench should be delivered today. I thought it was about time to test out the spanking bench. I put it together last Monday, I think. It’s been sitting there gathering dust. Lion has been on his best behavior. He even snuck into the kitchen Saturday morning before me and put the coffee pot together. I thought he had a punishment coming, but he saved his buns just in time.

This morning, when he reminded me of punishment day, I decided it was time for a “just because” spanking. He hasn’t had a good butt whomping in a while. I don’t want him to forget how it feels. The further he gets from a spanking, the more fondly he thinks of it. We can’t have that, can we? Actually, I don’t mind his being turned on thinking about it. I know he needs a reminder of reality from time to time. [Lion — She’s right. I’ve been getting turned on thinking about a spanking.”]

Last week, I was trying to read something to my boss. She kept interrupting me to ask questions. Finally, I yelled at her to let me finish. Sheesh! I mean, the answers were coming. Hang on a minute. She reminded me of Lion. I don’t know why I can yell at her, but I can’t yell at Lion. Well, I do yell at Lion, but he doesn’t register it as a yell. Maybe if I can follow up the yell with a notice that he’s in for a sore bottom, he’d register it. I don’t know why I find that so difficult to do.

I’ve been distracted by worrying about the dog. The fact that last night I had to crawl around on the floor trying to keep her from smacking her head against things while having a seizure didn’t help much. I was stiff and achy from it. After Lion’s spanking tonight, maybe we’ll get back on track. Incidentally, I didn’t know he wanted to be hugged after punishment. I thought he wanted to be left alone to process the ordeal. Maybe he wants a hug after that. We’ll have to work out the timing.

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