I wonder what works reliably for most men. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are more and more sex toys dedicated to masturbating men. In the past, the market was limited to sleeves like the Fleshlight that claim to imitate the sensation of being inside a vagina or a mouth. They consist of a silicone sleeve that you lube up and have at it. We have a couple of those. I can’t claim we’ve adequately experimented with them since Mrs. Lion only used our Fleshlight once.

magic wand on my hard penis
The Magic Wand is the only vibrator that reliably gets me off. That’s me in the picture.

The second category is male vibrators. Women have been using vibrators forever. Vibration on the clitoris reliably produces orgasms for most women. Until very recently, the only male vibrator was a crossover from the female toybox. I’m referring to the Magic Wand. This is a potent vibrator that, when applied to the right spot on the penis, will produce an ejaculation. We have one, and Mrs. Lion has had excellent success getting me off with it.

This is how the Autoblow ai works. The position, stroke length, and speed are computer controlled.

The third category includes devices that provide friction and movement. The Autoblow simulates the sensations of oral sex; at least, that’s what the manufacturer claims. We have one and have only used it once. It felt pretty good, but I didn’t sense any oncoming orgasm. Perhaps it requires further experimentation. There are a few other products that use suction pumps to provide a more realistic oral sex experience. They are loosely based on milking machines. They consist of a hard plastic shell with a latex sleeve inside. The penis is inserted into the latex sleeve, well lubed, of course, and the suction pump pulsates and forces the penis in and out. Many years ago, I had one of these and managed to get myself off after a lot of experimentation reliably.

The Jett puts two powerful vibrators where they will do the most good.

More recently, male vibrators have come on the market. These devices rely on powerful little vibrators. They are usually sleeves that situate the vibrator just under the underside of the head, where it will do the most good. The theory behind them is that men need stronger vibration than women. One, made by the same people who make Autoblow, claims to be based on the devices used to help paralyzed man ejaculate. I’ve tried several of these devices and have had absolutely no success with them.

The whole point of male and female masturbators is to provide sensations that feel like they’re coming from a partner. Obviously, the best male masturbator is the hand. That gets boring for most guys. Since I can’t masturbate, I don’t have any recent practice. I’ve given some thought to what might work for me. There’s a vibrator from Lilo that is sleeve-shaped and contains a powerful vibrator. What makes this device unusual is that you can connect it to your cell phone via an app. The device contains several sensors that detect temperature and pressure, plus other parameters. The manufacturer’s idea was that some smart developer would create an app that used the sensors’ feedback to improve the experience intelligently.

Lelo SDK

As far as I know, nobody has built that app yet. Too bad. Just judging from the way I react when Mrs. Lion stimulates me, it’s obvious that what feels good changes in the course of stimulation. This is where an intelligent device has a chance to become amazing. Mrs. Lion has pointed out that my erection can grow harder and softer depending on my state of arousal. The pressure sensor in the Lilo measures this. Increased blood flow to the penis also would increase the temperature. There is a sensor for that as well. This ideal app would monitor these parameters and vary the intensity and speed of the vibrator, attempting to optimize pressure and temperature. If the pressure or temperature decreases, it would start changing the parameters again, trying to optimize the reaction of the penis.

It would be exciting if someone develops it. I know that Lilo has been selling their device as an SDK (Software Development Kit). I think that their device probably isn’t sufficiently complex to really do the job. I would think that aside from vibrating, it would have to inflate to increase and decrease pressure on the penis. It would also need a way to move the vibrator around to find the “sweet spot.”

It seems to me that there isn’t much information about enhancing male arousal. The assumption seems to be that stimulating the penis in some general way sufficient to get a guy to ejaculate. I think it’s time to build devices that try to optimize ejaculation. As Lilo has shown, it’s completely practical to develop sensors and device controls that would allow an app to improve male stimulation.

I’m not claiming that the same wouldn’t be helpful for women as well. It’s just that guys haven’t been seen as much of a market for sophisticated sexual toys. I also think that there is very little incentive for scientists to learn what optimizes sexual experiences. It seems to me that if someone put effort into actually creating the better sex toy, the world would indeed beat a path to that orifice.

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1 Comment

  1. Interesting idea. It seems to me that toys for men turned out to be more difficult to implement than for women. Maybe this is the case.

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