As Mrs. Lion wrote yesterday, I had a ruined orgasm on Friday night. It’s the first one since July. It crept up on both of us. I felt myself coming close and my hips were moving a little. Then, suddenly I felt a muscle tighten in my right thigh — a sure sign an ejaculation has begun — and that was it. Mrs. Lion stopped just after that muscle tightened. That was it. Since she was giving me a blow job, she was able to catch the semen that dripped out. She likes that.

She also wrote that I might be horny again on Saturday night. Since I am writing this post on Saturday afternoon, we shall see. From my reading, the ability to ejaculate again after a ruined orgasm is based on whether or not all of my semen supply was exhausted. Some men can have multiple ruined orgasms. If there is a good supply of semen stored up, then they can. The incomplete orgasm that constitutes a ruined orgasm only empties the semen in the chamber just below the base of the erect penis. This chamber fills as arousal gets very close to ejaculation.

In a normal orgasm, muscle spasms refill the chamber, and the fluid squirts out. This happens over and over until no more is left. Apparently, I have a very small supply that usually only partially fills the chamber. That’s why my erection fades quickly after the ruined orgasm. If I had a larger supply, I would have remained at least partially hard and could be coaxed into either another ruined orgasm or a complete one. Some men can have four or five ruined orgasms in a row. You can see a good example of this on YouPorn. Here is a link (part of my research).

Mrs. Lion is right that I might be horny. It depends on my semen production, apparently. If I have a supply, even one too small to appear, I will want sex. Mrs. Lion can encourage semen production by teasing me during the day. Each time I’m stimulated to get an erection and hold it for a while, my body gets to work. This is one reason why I want her to take frequent teasing breaks without trying to edge me. A once-a-day session is nice and I love it. However, more frequent, smaller sessions are very helpful as well.

just published: a great, new spanking book

My friend Julie of Strict Julie Spanks has just published her book, Julie’s Spankings: A Semi-Autobiographical Account of a Young Wife’s Husbandly Spankings and Embarrassingly Public Punishments in a Family and Church Setting. It’s available on Amazon Kindle. Click the title to visit the order page. I had the privilege of copy-editing the book. It’s extremely hot with chapter after chapter of sexy spanking and humiliation scenes. If you are a fan of her blog, like I am, you know how arousing her writing can be. The book is free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers and only a few bucks for the rest of us. By the way, the sexy cover shot is really her!

get the red in

Her red bottom in the picture is real. I have had a problem reproducing accurately the way my bottom looks after a spanking. I’ve tried using a point-and-click camera as well as a semi-pro DSLR. The red seems to fade to nothing. Julie shared a technique she developed to “get the red out”. It doesn’t enhance the color, just brings it out to the actual way a freshly-spanked bottom looks.

Recently, I published a picture of my rear after a spanking. I used Julie’s technique to correct the color. Mrs. Lion looked at it and pronounced that it accurately reproduced how I looked when she was done. We can’t figure out why digital cameras have this problem. I’m an experienced photographer and I’ve worked with the camera-raw images (no corrections applied by the computer in the camera). The red is barely visible. It turns out that judicious color correction can bring it back. That’s what I’ve been doing. Mrs. Lion reviews and certifies there is no exaggeration. Below you can compare the before and after images.

lion's spanked bottom
Before (Left), After (Right)

It always bothered me that we couldn’t accurately show spanking results. Now we can!

Listen to this post.


  1. Thanks for the shoutout, and for the hours of copy-editing!
    The photo looks perfect. Very natural.

    1. Author

      Your book is incredibly hot reading. I’m glad I could help you. Thanks for the feedback on the picture. Mrs. Lion certified that the color is accurate. I can vouch that it hurt a lot!

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