The problem with super edging is that if you get too close — and that’s exactly what happened last night — stupid ruined orgasms. Of course, if I had reacted quicker (or at all, for that matter) I probably could have salvaged it. I guess I was hoping it wasn’t really going to progress to a ruined orgasm. Sometimes he makes the noises and it doesn’t actually go that far.

I told him it was his fault. Obviously, it wasn’t. I pushed him too far. But he didn’t give me the signals until it was too late. There’s nothing he could do about it. Sometimes it sneaks up on him. Usually I know I’m playing with fire. I’d edged him once and I let him calm down a bit before starting again. If the past is any indicator, I should have been able to edge him at least one more time before I was in danger of going too far. Apparently he was hornier than I thought.

Now the question is whether that stupid ruined orgasm resets the clock or not. I don’t think there’s a concrete answer to that. If I remember correctly, there have been times he’s fine the next day. Other times, it’s like a full orgasm. I wonder if it depends on how far over the edge I took him. In other words, if I stop just past the edge, maybe it doesn’t reset things. If I go further, maybe it does. I don’t think the amount of semen means anything. He can produce a tiny amount after a long wait or a large amount after a short wait. There was a decent amount last night. I’m crossing my fingers that he’ll be ready to go again tonight.

Of course, there are things I could do to encourage him to be horny. A nice spanking might do it. I could tie him to the bed. I could shove a butt plug where the sun don’t shine. Oh, so many things! I don’t necessarily want to extend his wait much longer. I’d just rather have the orgasm be on my terms.

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