As you’ve no doubt discovered, our blog has been up and down for a few days. Lion’s been working to fix the problem. I don’t even pretend to understand what’s going on. It’s like he’s explaining his work to me. My eyes glaze over in no time. I think the blog issues are also affecting his desire/need for sex. He didn’t seem very receptive last night and then said he wanted to go check on the blog.

This morning, I ate breakfast alone. Lion was up before me and checking on the blog. I went to work (less than 20 feet away) and joined Lion while he ate breakfast. After he was done, he buried his nose in his iPad and did something with the blog. I said a few things to him, but he was too engrossed in things to respond. I almost said something but then I realized this is similar to my burying my face in my iPad. The difference, of course, is that I usually hear when Lion says something to me even if I’m reading. I may not hear exactly what he says, but I register that he said something.

Since the blog is Lion’s baby, I understand he wants it functioning. He usually doesn’t spend that much time on it so I don’t think it’s really a big deal. I just want to make sure it doesn’t continue to disrupt things. I don’t have a problem eating breakfast alone of having Lion’s face buried in an iPad. I’m obviously more concerned that it doesn’t interfere with his desire for sex.

Listen to me. I’m concerned about him not wanting sex. Me!

I don’t really think we’ll have a problem, but I I’m keeping an eye on it. It’s also not too long (four days) since his last orgasm so it’s not entirely unusual for him to not be very horny. My point is that we need to make sure we don’t fall into the doldrums. Lion probably doesn’t want to bother me by asking for sex because he thinks he’s being selfish, but I need to know when he’s horny. I’m proud of myself for making this a high priority. I don’t usually think too much about sex, even for Lion. I’m trying to be more proactive.

I’ll make sure we get back on track. This long weekend might help. But first, we’re off for more pickling and jam supplies.

Listen to this post.


  1. If you all need a little tech help, please feel free to reach out.

    1. Thanks for the offer.

  2. I think you guys are messed up. I can see blogging every day, but 2-3 times a day? Let’s get real. It’s more about the blog than it is each other. Get with it.

    1. Each of us writes a post a day. We like to write. Believe it or not, we also have a life.

    2. Author

      Sure he spent more time on the blog than he did with me for the past few days. So? That was an outlier. I bet we spend more time together than most couples even without lockdown. We are real.

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