We’re hunkered down in our little house. I haven’t been out in over three weeks. I haven’t worn anything but a T-shirt, except for one day in a diaper, in all that time. Being naked at home didn’t mean I spent 24 hours a day bare-assed. Even though I work from home, we would go to the store or restaurant several days a week. Now I have no excuse to wear clothing below the waist. I need my T-shirt because I participate in videoconferences every day and I get cold.

Mrs. Lion has kept her word about sex. For the most part, there hasn’t been any BDSM. I’m a little surprised since we have nothing to distract us. I am generally finished with my working day before 3 PM. A lot of our toys, like our prickly jockstrap, can be worn while working. The reason I mention it is that Mrs. Lion took it out and put it on the bed. I asked her if she was going to use it. She said she would. It’s been at the foot of the bed for two days.

I’m not feeling neglected. I’m just wondering if more isn’t going on than I realize. It might be that Mrs. Lion doesn’t like BDSM play. She knows that I need a certain amount of it. I don’t think she dislikes it as much as she hasn’t figured out how to integrate it into her day-to-day life. This problem doesn’t just relate to playing. People all over the country are learning that working from home seems to make them less productive. I’m lucky in that I’ve been doing it for a while. New habits are needed with such a drastic change in lifestyle.

The trauma of these changes doesn’t just apply to work. Sex and other recreational activities are also affected. Mrs. Lion seems more comfortable doing sexual things as late in the day as possible. She knows that she’s agreed to try to do things earlier, so she has been starting at four or 5 PM. As far as I’m concerned, that’s fine. However, I imagine that more opportunities for BDSM play present themselves if the hours of activity are less restricted.

When we are on vacation, the only other time we have 24/7 time together, we generally have things to do during the day. We like to drive around and sightsee. So, the time for BDSM and sex, if anything, is even later than when we go to work during the day. I think we both have a sort of association with sexual things and darkness. We’ve always done that stuff at night. It’s time to start thinking out-of-the-box, or should I say darkness.

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