I called to cancel my dentist appointment this morning and I was told the office was closing anyway. I’m wondering how long other standalone doctor offices will remain open. I’m assuming the dentist would reopen for an emergency. Are pediatricians, for example, closing to all but emergent appointments? Is everyone just expected to go to the emergency room? It’s very confusing. I’m waiting for my office to close. I think the only thing keeping us open is the doctors’ desire for the almighty dollar.

Although I would lose my paycheck if the office closes, I’ll be home with Lion and that’s the best place to be, virus or no virus. Other than another trip to Costco to get more dog medication, I’m not going anywhere near stores. The hybrid car will eventually need gas, but that requires no human contact.

I suppose the best thing about being house-bound, would be more play time for Lion. If I’m home constantly then I should have all the time in the world for him. Of course, if we’re in close quarters, he’s more likely to annoy me. Then he might be sorry he ever asked me to punish him. It may take a while (a few days tops) but he’d be sorry eventually.

Now that we have a supply of coconut oil, we can test out the theory that it’s better than other lube. There will be plenty of time for experimentation if I’m home 24/7. Again, I’m assuming the worst, but I think it may come to that. Even if it only lasts for a week or two, closing most businesses down might act like a fire break to stop the spread of the virus.

From a financial standpoint, I hope it doesn’t come to that, but I’m actually looking forward to being “trapped” in the house with Lion. A forced staycation isn’t the worst thing in the world.

1 Comment

  1. Had two dr appointments this morning .. dermo and allergist … both offices were open, although the allergist’s clerk took my temperature before I got in … Please don’t panic … 117 Corona deaths in the US compared to a CDC estimate of 22k-55k deaths this flu season. Be careful, but live your life.

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