I felt better last night than the night before. Still not great but able to play with Lion. He was under the covers and snoozing but I convinced him to come out to be unlocked. He was hard as soon as the cage was off. When I commented on it he said it’s been a long time. He meant since his last orgasm. I thought he meant since he’d been unlocked which was only one extra day.

I don’t know how excited he was to have clothespins on his balls but too bad. He was even less excited to have clothespins on his boobies. Sometimes I pinch his nipples as payback for all the nipples he’s pinched over the years – including mine once. Having plain clothespins on his boobies is not too bad. I don’t think they hurt as much as my pinching. [Lion — No they don’t]

There are certain spots that hurt more than others on his balls. I didn’t go for a record number of clothespins but I got quite a few on him. They move around when I jerk him off. They hit each other and I’m sure the skin gets pinched in between. And maybe the spot an individual clothespin is on might not hurt but when it’s hitting into another and being bounced around it starts to hurt. Of course, the clothespins can hurt more coming off than going on. Sometimes I do it easy so it won’t hurt as much. Other times I yank them off. It’s supposed to hurt, right?

Once I got them all off I really started jerking him off. It still took a while to get him anywhere near the edge. I thought we lost it a few times but he soldiered on. I stopped when he wasn’t too near the edge and started right up again. I stopped again when he was very close to the edge. I’m not sure if I did it again or if I just went for the orgasm.

Seventeen days is a long time for Lion to wait. I usually don’t make him wait for more than ten. However, he was already in a wait when the new chastity device arrived. We decided he should be locked up full time and he said he really didn’t want an orgasm yet. I have no idea how long he’s been in the new cage but it’s been at least a week. High time for an orgasm!

After we were done I was off to do the dog’s medicine and ice cream. I completely forgot to have Lion put the base ring back on. I saw it when I went to do his eye drops. I decided he could be wild until tonight. He’s not going to play with himself if he just had an orgasm last night. And I didn’t want to mess with it just before bed. I don’t think he’ll be looking for attention tonight but I’ll make sure he’s locked away safely and securely.

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