As you know, Lion has been having some trouble getting to the edge lately. He “hints” that maybe what he needs is a blow job. I won’t always give him a blow job. He’s suggested using lube too but he doesn’t really like lube. I’d think lube would be slippery like my mouth but I guess it isn’t.

male ejaculation with vibrator
Mrs. Lion is a virtuoso on the Magic Wand. She can arouse me, edge me, and make me ejaculate any time she wants.

Yesterday, in my unpacking/excavation, I unearthed the Magic Wand. It was dead and the charging cord wasn’t with it. Lion will say he’s not in a panic but he tends to have a one track mind for certain things. Where is the cord? It has to be here somewhere. Where is it? I remembered finding two white charging cords that we didn’t immediately know what they went to. I put them somewhere, figuring we’d find it sooner or later. Well, the Magic Wand was one of those things. But where did I put the charging cords? One-track-mind Lion kept asking. Finally I remembered where they were, plugged the Magic Wand in and we were on our way to charging.

Once it was charged, one-track-mind Lion wanted to use it. It’s ready! It’ll be nice to use it. When can we use it? It’s funny how excited he gets about things.

I managed to delay him until about 8 pm. With the help of the Magic Wand, he was hard instantly. I won’t say it took any less time to get him to the edge, but he was certainly not losing his erection. The Magic Wand gave up before Lion did. I assume there’s a timer in it that automatically shuts it off at the twenty minute mark. We were both surprised when it stopped vibrating. The battery was not dead so I just turned it back on. Lion was already turned on.

I was a little leery of edging him. Did I want to take the chance that he’d lose his erection if I stopped short of an orgasm? On the other hand, edging him does make him hornier. I decided to give it a try. I can’t tell if he was disappointed that I stopped or if he expected it. I know he never exactly expects an orgasm and he’s said it wouldn’t be good to get one every time even if he has been having trouble, but I’m sure he was hoping for one.

When Lion is firing on all cylinders, I can do rapid fire edging. This time it took a bit to get him back. I decided I wasn’t going to take another chance on edging him. I’d go right for gold. It bears noting that Lion was helping things along with some bucking. I tried to time my movements with his. Maybe he was surprised when I let him go right over the edge. Maybe he was grateful. Maybe he was just happy he wasn’t broken.

I know Lion is acutely aware, but I have no idea how long his wait was this time. [Lion — It was eight days.] I’m just aware I’ve been replaced. Keep her charged up and, twenty minute auto shutoff notwithstanding, the Magic Wand never tires. I hope she and Lion will be very happy. *sniffle*