Lion made it through his surgery with flying colors. It took a little over an hour and the good news is that 99% of the blood is out. Now we wait for the bandage to come off. The only bad thing is pain. We knew there would be some but Lion didn’t expect as much as he has. Luckily the pain meds are handling it.

Tomorrow he has two post op appointments – one for today’s surgery and one for last week’s surgery. I’m hoping there hasn’t been any bleeding in the right eye. I’m also hoping the left eye sees something after all this time. That’s an awful lot of pressure to put on one bandage removal, but I want Lion to be able to see.

When the nurse read him his discharge instructions, Lion focused on one detail in particular: no intimate relations for two weeks. He says we’ll decide when we resume intimate relations. Even in pain he has his priorities straight.

I doubt Lion will write a post for tomorrow. We’ll let you know how things go at the post op visits.


  1. So glad to hear the surgery went well. I hope tomorrow’s appointments go just as well or better!

  2. Hope everything goes well. Both of you hang in there

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