Lion naked on the deck
Lion won’t be able to do this at our new house. Here he is able to be bare on the deck without risk of public discovery.

Lion says I shouldn’t take offense to his falling asleep while I’m playing with him. He says it feels so good, it lulls him to sleep. I don’t really take offense. I just tease him about it. It’s obviously not the effect I was looking for, but I get it. I’ve known for a while that rubbing his balls will knock him out.

We both need to figure out how to sleep better. I don’t think there’s really a reason we have trouble, so I can’t say the new house will make any difference. I’m sure it will take a bit to get used to the noises of the neighborhood: new dogs barking, a stupid rooster crowing. Lion was not at all happy when he heard it in the middle of the day. But we’ve been going to RV parks long enough to know that external sounds aren’t really a problem for us.

While we try to figure out what furniture goes where, the best news is that there are no stairs in our new house. There’s a tiny (maybe three inch) step into the bedroom. Wherever we set up the waxing will be more convenient. If we put up the sling, it will be more convenient. Laundry won’t be up and down the stairs. We’ll probably be sharing an office. I won’t have far to go to get my fix of naked Lion.

That may be a problem. We’re relatively close to the house on one side. How much naked Lion butt will they be able to see through windows? As you know, I’m very protective of my naked Lion butt. It’s for my eyes only. Well, I allow pictures to be shared, but live naked Lion butt is reserved for me. Once we get in the house and life returns to normal, we can assess the situation. I may have to change the rule. We’ll see.

I know neither one of us will be able to go out the front door naked, as I did this morning to bring in the Amazon Fresh order. The new porch is about thirty feet from the road. Passing motorists and pedestrians might get more than they bargained for on their commute or walk.

[Lion — It isn’t that bad. The windows are about 4 feet from the floor. Someone would have to be directly outside on a step ladder peeking in to see my naked butt. There is a dense, 4 foot hedge in front of the house. I do think we would be potentially visible to a passing motorist or jogger, but an occasional quick trip to the front porch probably isn’t too risky.]