My Applebee’s pager. Your Lion is ready now.

Lion has been in surgery for a little over an hour now. It’s amazing how long it takes to get him ready for the OR and prep him for surgery before they actually start the surgery. Once it’s done, the surgeon will come talk to me and then I wait until he’s awake before I can see him. Then we wait for him to be taken to his room.

Meanwhile, I just want to sleep. I got some breakfast and coffee once they whisked Lion away. I’m in the waiting room and I have at least another hour to wait. I just have a feeling that as soon as I get to sleep they’ll need me. And I’m pretty sure I’ll snore if I snooze, but that’s more of an embarrassment than a problem.

Lion was on his best behavior with the nurses and doctors who came by in a parade. We joked that they’d need to take numbers. Now serving number seven. Number seven.

I have a pager that looks like the ones you get at Applebee’s when you’re waiting for a table. In addition to being able to contact me by phone, the pager works anywhere in the hospital. It’s pretty cool.

We’re hoping Lion gets a private room. Short of that, I hope he’s drugged enough  that he doesn’t notice he’s not in a private room. Not having his own room will definitely increase the chance of his escape by Uber. My fingers are crossed. He needs to stay in the hospital at least two days.

[Mrs. Lion – Lion made it safely out of surgery. I’m waiting to see him in recovery now.]


  1. This is terrific news. You guys feel like family and P and I are thinking about you and sending you our very best wishes.

    Lion needs to do what the doctor says, room type notwithstanding. Lion! Behave, gosh darn it!

    Jamie and P.

  2. Hope he heals quick. How crazy. Mi Amor was in for a minor surgery yesterday too. I sat for a few hours reading. Outpatient so she is home and hurting. She said it’s nice going through it with a kept husband. She’s bern pampered since we came home and her house is in order. She has nothing to worry about….. I will be waiting patiently.

  3. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hopefully you’ll lock him back up BEFORE he’s allowed in the house. Must attend to the proper protocols or he’ll use this as an excuse. 😉 Seriously, hope all goes well and quickly for his recovery.

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