Lion is in the process of preparing his overnight(s) bag for the hospital. I’m not sure which his finds more distasteful: the surgery or the hospital stay. Lion does not do well in captivity. He doesn’t mind being in the Jail Bird or being tied to a bed, but I always expect he’ll make a run for it when confined to a hospital. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he signs out and Ubers it home in the middle of the night.

Today we’re meeting one of my friends for my birthday lunch. Yes, Lion’s surgery was originally scheduled on my birthday. He offered to move it once he realized, but I consider my birthday to be just another day. Things worked out anyway since they moved the surgery and now we have a free day to do any last minute things that need to be done.

The other night, Lion asked to have the Nub removed. His reasoning was that he wanted any sore spots or indentations to resolve before his surgery. It made perfect sense so I did it. Lion’s been sleeping a lot in the evening so we haven’t done any playing. Snuggling is just as good in my opinion. Of course, I’m not a horny lion. I suspect we’ll snuggle a lot tonight although I’m not sure Lion will be in the mood to do anything beyond that. I’m sure his mind is in overdrive worrying about the surgery and hospital.

He’s also worried that I’ll “waste” a whole week’s worth of time off when he’s in the hospital and I won’t be around much once he’s home. I want to be with him at the hospital. I have to run interference for the nurses. Lion is not a good patient. But I know how much he doesn’t want to be there and having me there makes him feel better. Even if he’s drugged out of his mind and not making any sense, he knows on some level that I’m there. And, as I’ve told him, I’m not going back to work until he feels comfortable with my leaving him for a few hours. My trainee can sink or swim on her own. I don’t care what kind of mess I walk into whenever I walk into it. My focus is on Lion.

Sometimes Lion writes a few posts ahead of time. It doesn’t appear he’s done that yet. The day is young. He may still plan to do it. If he doesn’t, you’re stuck with me. I won’t have any play-by-play to report but I’ll try to come up with something. At the very least, I’ll report on how Lion is doing.


  1. You know, Mrs. Lion, I bet you could borrow a set of restraints from one of those cute nurses …

  2. Sending love, light and quick healing to Lion. Thanks for sharing your lives so openly. I am always inspired. I had a major surgery a while ago and they told me 9, 9 and 9. Nine days of acute pain, 9 weeks of mid level pain and 9 months you wake up and say, you know? I feel like myself again. Hugs to y’all!!!

  3. Thinking of you

  4. Thanks for the support. Lion is in the OR now.

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