I wish I could say I’m home with Lion as I write this. I’m still on the east coast. My flight leaves Sunday afternoon, almost evening. It stinks that traveling west takes more time than traveling east. Stupid jet stream! Don’t you know I want to get home faster!

I had a very eventful visit. I saw my oldest son and met his girlfriend. I saw my younger son for the first time in a long time. I saw my “baby” graduate high school. I saw my “baby’s” college and got to share some of the excitement with her. I’ll miss moving her in but she’ll be just fine. Of course I’m only a phone call away.

The biggest thing on this trip is that I had a remote control Lion. He was caged but I asked for pictures and even gave him some wild time. All from across the country. I thought it was fun. I think Lion did too.

I didn’t tell Lion this but whenever I was eating with someone I was surprisingly shocked when they ate before I did. A few times I almost said something but caught myself just in time. Funny. They had no idea how close they came to getting Lion in trouble! Good thing he only has to pay for his own mistakes.

I am sooooo glad to be heading home to Lion. Let the snuggling begin!