Lion surprised me last night by being horny. He usually isn’t the day after an orgasm. He may be entering another hyper-horny phase.

I didn’t blindfold him but I did use the Magic Wand on him. It still amazes me how quickly he gets to the edge with it. And he initially thought he wouldn’t respond to a vibrator. Aside from oral and vaginal, I think the Magic Wand is his favorite way to be edged and/or orgasmed. (Is that a word? It is now.)

We went out to dinner last night. It was Lion’s idea. He regretted it when he spilled food on his shirt. I reminded him that he’d be punished for that infraction. He knew. He didn’t want to be swatted. I can’t say I blame him. Punishment is not fun.

I think Lion assumed I forgot that I was supposed to be punishing him when I hadn’t done it before we played. I had forgotten but I wasn’t going to stop playing to punish him. That didn’t mean I couldn’t punish him after the fun. He really wasn’t happy about that.

I didn’t swat him hard but I did swat him for a longer period of time. Toward the end I tossed in a few harder swats. He was barely pink when I was done although I knew he felt it. He even felt it about an hour later. Good spanking job, if I do say so myself.