We are slowly getting better. Lion has been sick for a few weeks. I seem to have lucked out with just a little over a week. I managed to change the bed last night without wiping myself out. But I had some trouble getting to sleep last night so today I’m tired.

Yesterday Lion alluded to starting sex again. I’m not sure when we’ll be able to do that. On the one hand I’d like to get back to normal. On the other hand Lion should be able to go a while without coughing or having trouble breathing before we resume activities. I’m not rushing him.

The next decision will be when to lock Mr. Weenie away again. Lion has been wild for weeks. If he hadn’t already been wild I would have unlocked him while he was sick. It would have been one more thing to mess around with and no one wants that when they’re sick. I don’t want to lock him up too soon. I’d rather have him think he’s getting away with something than have him hate being back in the cage too early. Maybe this weekend we’ll feel well enough to do some manscaping and then he can be locked up. I know he must be fuzzy by now.

[Lion — I’m very fuzzy now. I think I am also ready for sex. I haven’t been coughing much at all today.]