I got my birthday wish. I spent the weekend not doing much. Of course, I was not able to do much because we’re both still sick. I took Friday off as a sort of a birthday present to myself for making it through the rest of the work week even though I felt like garbage. Today I stayed home to see if I can spend any amount of time out of bed without wanting to fall over. So far so good.

Lion is still under the weather. He was just taking a late morning snooze. I decided two weeks worth of laundry needs to be done. Luckily going down the stairs is fairly easy. I got all the clothes downstairs. Now it’s just a matter of getting myself up and down the stairs for each load.

Yesterday was my birthday. We were subsisting on Chinese food I brought home the other night and an Amazon Fresh delivery. Amazon Fresh, I’ve decided, is the shut-in’s godsend. Neither of us were in any shape to make a run to the store. But by yesterday Lion had decided that chicken pot pies were not a good enough birthday dinner. He wanted to go for more Chinese food. He didn’t think take out Chinese was a very good birthday dinner either but we both love the wonton soup, especially when we’re sick.

I had serious doubts about Lion making it to and from the Chinese food place. It’s twenty miles away and he hadn’t been out of the house for a week. But he made it! And then he hunkered down for another nap.

I may be a bit premature in saying that I think I can make it to work tomorrow. I’ll have to see how I feel after the laundry experiment. Lion is another matter. He may need a trip to the doctor.


  1. Author

    Aaawww. Happy bday for the other day and huge healing hugs to you both. ?

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