As Lion said, we met online. It wasn’t love at first sight. Neither of us was looking for love. We wanted sex; plain and simple. Of course things rarely go the way we hope they will. Sometimes they’re better!

Eventually Lion and I stopped fooling ourselves and admitted we were in love. One day I woke up to the fact that I was fighting myself every time I had to leave him. It just felt so natural to stay with him. And, yes, by that time he’d shown me his “demented” perverted side. I knew what I was getting into to the extent that anyone knows what they’re getting into with any relationship. He had me bamboozled.

I think it’s great when you can’t imagine yourself without a person. It’s also very scary. One of us is going to leave the other unwillingly. To love someone so much is to have your heart ripped out when they’re gone. Is it worth it? I think so. Lion and I make a great team. We love to be together. We may drive each other crazy but we don’t fight often. I have never seen any couple that a) spends as much time together as we do, and b) can stand to be around each other as much as we are.

So on this special day I’d like to tell Lion a few things: There’s no way I’m leaving you voluntarily. I love you more than anything! We go together like peanut butter and jelly. (I had to throw in a cheesy greeting card sentiment.) And I may have Mr. Weenie locked up, but you have my heart locked up.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

[Lion — A long time ago, I was taught that love is very dangerous. It always ends with death or divorce. I understood the concept, but after finding Mrs. Lion I truly get it. The price of love is the pain of losing it. It’s a price I am happy to pay. Mrs. Lion, I love you more than anything.]


  1. Author

    I read your post all the time Mistress and myself going on sixteen years and We love each other so much more Thank You 🙂

  2. Author

    My goodness, where do you ever get these great photos of lions? They’re always so appropriate.

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