I’m still wild. I suspect that my recent discovery of woman-initiated, enforced male chastity may have given Mrs. Lion pause. I’ve embraced the idea of turning the penis into a toy owned by the keyholder. This concept implies, to me at least, that my penis would be locked at all times Mrs. Lion doesn’t want to play with it.

She mentioned that such possession wouldn’t really apply to us since she has no interest in sex for herself. I agree that limits the usefulness of the penis-as-toy. But she’s managed to enjoy it by teasing me and providing eventual ejaculations.

It’s true that I initiated all this stuff. None of it was her idea. I’m very lucky she embraced it. She doesn’t like the idea of me wearing the device when I travel, or at other times when it might be inconvenient, like on our camping trips.. I get it.

In fact, I agree with her approach. She’s already made my penis hers. The chastity device is just something I like to wear. It is, to me, the exclamation point at the end of her declaration of ownership. I like physical manifestations of things. I love bondage. I don’t generally need it. I’m not going anywhere. The actual feel of physical restraint turns my internal reality into the physical as well.

The chastity device has a unique effect on me. It reminds me of its power even at times when I have no thoughts at all of sex, much less using it for release. It loudly proclaims to me that someone else is in control. I really like that.

On the other hand, Mrs. Lion seems to have no such interest. She’s content to know I’m not going to cheat. Verification and enforcement aren’t part of her domination calculus. In fact, I think that any slip I might have would hurt her and she would blame herself. The idea of preventing the possibility of an “accident” isn’t terribly meaningful to her

That’s where we are very different. I’m turned on by being forced to obey. She likes it when I just do the right thing. She’s very aware of this difference and works hard to provide me with the concrete realities of rules and punishments. I’m very grateful.

We are very different in this basic way. Yet, we make each other very happy. Somehow we just fit. I can’t ask for any more than that.


  1. Author

    A soft ice cream “twist” we call them here -vanilla and chocolate go so well together 🙂

  2. Author

    This is on point!!
    “The chastity device has a unique effect on me. It reminds me of its power even at times when I have no thoughts at all of sex, much less using it for release. It loudly proclaims to me that someone else is in control. I really like that.”

    1. Author

      It’s almost magical. You have to wear one for a whIle to understand.

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