We just got back from our tour. Tired Lions here. We had a lot of fun and did a lot of walking. We’re back in the hotel room for a few hours before our dinner reservations. We had to rest our weary paws.

Lion behaved himself today. He waited for me to eat first. He was polite. He was a very good boy. I know he wants to be punished but so far he hasn’t done anything to warrant punishment. I hope he doesn’t decide to do something on purpose just to get punished. That’s not okay. But what would I do about it? If he’s done something on purpose and I punish him I fall right into his trap. I can’t not punish him. That would be just as bad.

Luckily I don’t think Lion has ever even considered misbehaving on purpose. He usually doesn’t have to. Eventually he spills something or eats first. It doesn’t take him long to get himself into trouble.

Last night I decided to give Lion another orgasm. I figured he should have as much fun as he can while we’re on vacation. Not that he doesn’t have just as much fun at home. And he doesn’t need an orgasm to have fun. But you know what I mean. A vacation is special. He might even get another one before we leave.

His orgasm last night was a hand job. I was too full from dinner to do an oral orgasm. As long as I keep an eye on things I can maintain my goal of having more than half of Lion’s orgasms being oral. So far I believe it’s two oral to one hand job. I know Lion’s keeping score.