Lion used to spend more time travelling for work than he did at home. That was before we met. After we met he got a job that sent him to China a few times. Other than one or two day trips since then Lion has been home. Until this job. He loves his job. He does fun things. And when he travels now he goes to a touristy area with lots of things to do. Still, he doesn’t like to travel anymore. Last night he was so down about traveling that he didn’t get his orgasm. I couldn’t get him aroused.

In a few days I’ll be joining him. He’ll work during the day and we’ll do touristy stuff in the evening. Our evenings are so jam-packed I’m not sure when we’ll have time to play, but we’ll figure it out. We’ll have a lot of fun both in and out of bed, I’m sure.

Last night Lion asked about the cage again. We both see the benefits of it. We both understand that there’s technically no need for it. Chastity continues whether or not Lion is locked up. I’ve been doing fairly well playing with and edging him. The cage has served its purpose. However, I hesitate (I think we both do) to retire it completely. For now let’s just say it will gather some dust. At some point in the future we may see a need for it. I may decide one Saturday that I want my balls and weenie locked up and on the cage will go. Lion may get all nostalgic and ask to be caged for a day or two.

I doubt there will ever be a need to stop Lion from masturbating or to remind me that I have a horny Lion who needs to be played with. We’ve progressed quite far from those days. We’ll still continue to work on communication. And we’ll still continue the blog. Lion is still chaste whether he’s locked up or not.