I realized last night that Lion never reminded me about punishment day on Monday. Good thing it was a holiday. I guess that was another Christmas present for him. In keeping with my forgetfulness, just before bed last night, Lion asked if I was forgetting something. Well, duh. Yes. I forgot to lock him up. I told him he was a good boy for reminding me. I doubt I would have remembered until I went to unlock him tonight.

In other news, I was pretty relentless when I edged him. I didn’t give him more than a minute between tries. He produced some pre-cum for me. Good stuff.

We haven’t done anything other than edging lately. I think I concentrate so much on his horniness and edging him that I forget about other things. The other day Lion said he hasn’t had anything up his ass in a while and if I want to keep him open I should do it more often. I know that. And sometimes I chalk these comments up to nagging or Lion never being happy with what I do for him. But the truth is that I should play with him more often. Not specifically anal necessarily but everything.

I won’t go so far as to suggest we have a Velcro night or clothespin night scheduled, but I do need some sort of structure. Maybe Friday night needs to be play night. No set idea. Just play. Blindfold, bondage, play spanking, menthol rubs, anything. We’ll discuss it and decide if we need to go that far.