Mrs. Lion put in hours and hours trying to clear dust away in my office and our bedroom. I’m hoping it will make the difference. Sadly, I can’t help. The very stuff I am allergic to gets kicked up during cleaning. A couple of years ago, I used the rug cleaner in our bedroom. I barely got done with the carpet when I had to use a rescue inhaler to breathe. I’m very grateful my lioness is willing to do all this work for my sake.

Until the itching skin, swollen eyes, stuffy nose, and sneezing stop, I can’t even begin to think about anything else. We did go out to dinner last night. That was fun and a welcome relief from the allergies. I also had physical therapy today that included a visit from my surgeon. I’m happy to report that I am making good progress with my shoulder. It’s been six months since the surgery. I’m just up to exercise with a two-pound weight. It will be another six months before I will be anywhere near normal again.

As you might imagine, sex is the last thing on my mind. I am also completely uninterested in being spanked. I am working very hard to avoid breaking any rules. So, for now I am out of commission. However, after Mrs. Lion doing a thorough cleaning and the dog getting a bath, I could be much improved tomorrow.

If so, I may have a much more interesting post tomorrow.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    So sorry, I hope you feel much better soon. I do the house cleaning for my wife for the same reason, so I understand how unpleasant it can be.

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