Today is the tenth day since my last orgasm and, if she is to be believed, the day I get off. Since I’ve been reflecting on my sexual assumptions, I’m not entirely sure that an orgasm is as much a goal as it used to be. Part of it is that I feel badly that I am the only one enjoying sex. Mrs. Lion remains uninterested in sex for herself.

I can’t quite shake the feeling that when she gets me off, she is doing it more out of obligation than pleasure. I realize this is a dark path to go down. Thinking this way can do no good for either of us. But I can’t shake this feeling. Mrs. Lion is quite cagey on the subject of what she gets out of teasing me and getting me off. I wrote about that the other day (click here to read that post).

I have no idea what she, or for that matter, I can do about it. But it is getting in my way. Last night, Mrs. Lion edged me a few times. It was nice and very exciting. But I couldn’t just get into it. I felt selfish.

This isn’t one of those posts where I come up with some insight about this. I don’t have one. At this point I feel lost and not very excited about a birthday orgasm.


  1. Author

    You are one of those guys who is always thinking and analyzing situations/experiences. I think it might be an idea to allow your brain the time off from such serious thinking. I know I would be bothered if my Queen wasn’t interested in receiving sex, but while your Lioness doesn’t like or want to receive sex she has demonstrated for quite some time that she does enjoy giving it. Don’t over analyze the situation. Relax and enjoy.

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