We began our vacation today. Mrs. Lion drove our truck and trailer to the seashore. We are parked in a RV park abutting the beach. We are in for sun every day we are here. This isn’t usually the case on the Northwest Pacific coast. Trade winds blow clouds in from the ocean nearly the year round. The temperature will be in the 70’s every day and the 60’s at night.

Before we left home, Mrs. Lion reported being tired. She hasn’t been sleeping comfortably lately. When she’s tired, she tends to be a bit forgetful and is not in a mood for play. I’m trying to help by remembering my rules. For example, I put the training collar on yesterday morning without prompting. I didn’t mention it to Mrs. Lion until we were out for dinner last night.

She did remember to pack some toys. She packed our Silk dildo and a paddle I made years ago. I added the hard rubber paddle and the “hairbrush” paddle as well. If she decides to play or discipline me, she has good choices. All work very well over her lap. The couch in the trailer is long enough for me to be positioned that way.

Last night we didn’t play. I didn’t think we would. Our track record for activities when in our trailer isn’t very positive. On our first trip this year, I had my first OTK spanking. On the first night, I am optimistic. We are very well equipped for fun. We have under-the-mattress restraints. While my shoulder isn’t ready for bondage, my legs are fine and would hold me in position perfectly well. Will we try? I hope so.

I also wonder what the next five days will bring in terms of discipline. Will Mrs. Lion be energetic enough to note and punish infractions? I’m cautiously optimistic. We’ve covered this ground before. Of course, now is very different from the past. We have substantial history under our belts.

I think that we need practice. Mrs. Lion has never pulled down my pants and underpants to spank me. It’s true that I’m usually naked when we are alone, but even figuratively we’ve rarely had impromptu discipline.

It is difficult in real life to just spank me in the middle of other activities. I don’t have serious expectations that Mrs. Lion will drop what she is doing, grab a paddle, and remind me of my error. If that happens it will be very surprising to me.

I’m not really asking for that. I don’t think that many people live that way. I am asking for observation of my sins and prompt, not instant response. Greedy lion that I am, I hope we can just play. Maybe, if I am very lucky, I will get an orgasm too.

As you probably guessed, Mrs. Lion didn’t post yesterday because we were on the road. I’m sure you will hear from her later.


  1. Author

    I hope you have a wonderful vacation! We have spent a lot of time taking our travel trailer up and down the coast…always a good time. When near the ocean, I always feel that the sounds of our playtime are masked by the sounds of the ocean…or this is what I am hoping anyway! Whenever we travel, my Daddy brings the tawse. It is a fairly quiet spanking implement but leaves a wicked sting. Here is to hoping you get that spanking…it sounds like you are needing one! Happy travels 🙂

    1. Author

      Thanks. We’re by the shore in a soundproof trailer. Need I say more?

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