Strict Julie naked
Eventually, we bloggers reveal all. Here’s Julie of strictjuliespanks.blogspot. com, showing us all. Nice Job! [Click image to enlarge]
I have to admit that I like the fact that pictures of my penis appear on this site. It’s sort of a turn on to expose myself that way. I’m far from alone. Almost without exception, every blog about sexual topics written by men feature pictures of the blogger’s cock. Male chastity blog writers show their penises encased in various chastity devices. I subscribe to a few of these bloggers on Twitter. Yup, their penises are on full display. It’s no secret that we males think about our penises. Some like to compare their erect and flaccid dicks with other guys. That’s easy on the Web. The number of images of male genitalia available is astounding.

Let’s look at female-written sexual sites. Those bloggers who choose to include images almost always show penises. Generally, they are sexually explicit images lifted from other sites that are related to the post. A tiny number reveal the poster’s pussy. Those who do tend to include it incidentally, like this one from Strict Julie Spanks. Almost all her images show males performing sexually. But every so often she puts herself in the picture; almost always when she is acting submissively.

Obviously male chastity is a dominant/submissive power exchange with the guy’s penis locked away out of his sexual reach.What’s more, male chastity bloggers want to show the world how they submit. In some cases, the guys want to display their cocks as a way of publicly submitting. It’s arousing to do this. The display is always in the context of “admitting” submission. Julie and other females do exactly the same thing for the same reason.

Submissive exposure photography is most likely a small minority in penis-picture-taking motives. The rest probably represent the need to self display. I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but clearly there is also a non-kinky motive for penis display.

What about women? I haven’t done a wide-ranging search, but I do read sexually-oriented sites; not hardcore porn. Sure, a lot of the female-written sites have sexual images. From what I can tell, none are of the author. I’ve also seen very little discussion of vaginas by female bloggers. References tend to be in the context of sexual activities. Those posts seem to be directed at a male audience.

Do females think about their pussies? Do they ever discuss them with other women in the way men compare penises? I don’t see evidence that they do. Perhaps our female readers can give us their impressions.

My sexual thoughts always include my penis in some respect. If I think about giving oral sex to Mrs. Lion, I “feel” my erection as part of the experience. There’s a mental picture of it pulsing against the bed or pressing against the bars of my chastity device. Of course I think about how Mrs. Lion feels, tastes and smells as I give her orgasm after orgasm. My penis is in every scene. When a woman thinks about sucking a man, does she include the humidity of her vagina in her fantasy? Is it a major player in every scene the way my penis is for me? I wonder.


  1. Author

    Wow! That is one short cage. I thought mine was short at 1 and 1/2 inches.

  2. Author

    My everyday female friends and I do occasionally have pussy conversations but it’s usually focused on specific experiences outside of sex (child birth is a big one but also grooming and other health topics). Even with my kink friends while pleasure techniques may come up as a topic I don’t recall ever comparing what our parts look like…perhaps because women are VERY aware of body insecurities seeing as how we’re barraged on a daily basis by almost unachievable standards of what we’re supposed to look like.

    I do have a personal fascination with looking at online photos but over time I realized that’s because I’m incredibly attracted to women, I just never gave myself permission to explore it when I was younger. I’ve no idea if my straight female friends do or not, it’s not something we’ve ever discussed….though maybe I should start asking questions.

  3. Author

    Oh and I do include my pussy in fantasizing and random thoughts. I’m VERY aware of it. That’s just my own experience though.

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