We’ve been busy this weekend. Well, not terribly busy. We continue preparing to make our house work for me when I can’t use my right arm. I’m learning a lot about how difficult it can be for someone with a disability. For example, I sleep on the right side of the bed. My right shoulder is getting the surgery. So, reaching the nightstand is very difficult.

I know what you are thinking. Why not switch sides with Mrs. Lion? That crossed our minds. But I need to use a cold machine to chill a pad that goes against the shoulder. If I go to Mrs. Lion’s side of the bed, the hose from the machine won’t make it across my body; not to mention how uncomfortable it will be to have cold, heavy tubing crossing my body.

I love technology. I tried to think of ways I could access my light, for one thing. Then I remembered the “smart” house. There’s lots of stuff out there that uses WiFi to connect to a smartphone or other device. So, I ordered two smart light bulbs and the hub needed to manage them. Now we can control our bedside lamps with our iPhones or iPads. Why stop there? So, we are getting an Amazon Echo so now I can tell Alexa to turn on or dim the lamps.

The Echo will also answer questions, play Jeopardy with us, and play music. Another, admittedly minor, issue is controlling the temperature in the house. We have a programmable thermostat that is fine when we both go to work. But when I’m here all the time, it would be very helpful to control the temperature manually when I want. So, we got a smart thermostat. Our power company offers a nice rebate, so for about $100 we can automate the heat and AC. Guess what? Alexa will do that too. I just tell her what temperature I want.

We are gradually making our environment accommodate my disability. I have a special WiFi access point that puts me on my company’s network. My company laptop has Dragon so I can dictate emails and my posts. Our bed is adjustable so I can make myself as comfortable as possible while recuperating.

All this work is making me feel better about the surgery. Also, I am much more willing to undergo it. In the time between falling and now, I have received physical therapy and two cortisone injections. Each injection is supposed to last four-to-six months. My last shot was late December. The pain returned in February and that’s what prompted me to visit the sports medicine surgeon.

Over the last couple of weeks, the pain has gotten gradually worse. I thought it was because I am so focused on the surgery. Yesterday, it occurred to me that the December injection was continuing to wear off. The pain is returning to what I will be for the rest of my life if I don’t get the operation. I get the point. I’m committed. Scared, but committed.

Speaking of accommodation, I ordered a stainless steel cock ring that will remind me of my surrender when I can’t wear the cage. I may not be wearing a chastity device, but I won’t be completely wild.  Along with the physical changes here at home, we are both working toward maintaining our FLR and male chastity.