Lion was a very good boy yesterday. We went out for groceries and he remembered his training collar. I watched him put on his underwear and I was pretty sure he’d forgotten. Either it was hidden or he remembered after the fact. Whatever the case, he had it on and got a few vibrations throughout the day to remind him I knew he was wearing it.

Yesterday was also my birthday. I mentioned at work on Friday that I hoped Lion hadn’t made any dinner reservations. I didn’t really want to go out. To me, my birthday is just another day. To Lion, it’s the day his Lioness was born so he likes to make a big deal out of it. He hadn’t made dinner reservations, but he did want to go out to celebrate. I finally decided on Olive Garden. Lion loves it and the food is good. We ate too much and had fun. We could have had fun at Burger King or at home. We don’t need an occasion or a restaurant. We just need each other.

It was the night after an orgasm and after a meal of carbs so Lion was more interested in snoozing than sex. I don’t mind. I’m not upset when he snoozes. I’m not upset when he doesn’t want sex. We can snuggle when he wakes up, and sex is still just for him. As long as I get to hold his hand and fondle my weenie and balls, I’m a happy person.

I know that’s not very exciting reading, but it’s true. We’ve been together for a long time and I guess we’re at a point where some married couples don’t care about touching each other or even being together. Not Lion and me. As long as we have each other, that’s all that matters.